To earn Microbadge: Communicating Research to Varied Audiences-
Step 1: Complete one of the below:
Currently available
Complete the workshop, Rock the Talk Part 2: Creating an Effective and Memorable Presentation.
advance to the UC Davis Grad Slam final round.
advance to the semifinal round of the Big Bang! Business Competition and submit the name of your team with the subject "Communicating Research to Varied Audiences Big Bang".
Little Bang Poster Competition awardees from session 2 earn this badge by submitting a link to their blog post with the subject ""Communicating Research to Varied Audiences Little Bang".
Previously qualifying
the "How to Explain your Research to the Public: Informal Science Communication " workshop
Step 2: Submit two descriptions of your research designed for distinct audiences (indicating the target audience for each) to GradPathways Institute staff for verification.
Note: Reflection and metacognition are important elements of your professional development. There is no length requirement, although we do not recommend going over about 1 page total.
While our staff will review submissions for completeness, we will not automatically respond with feedback. Please allow 2-3 business days for badges to be issued- you will automatically receive an email from badgr to claim your badge when it is ready. Please direct any questions to gpi@ucdavis.edu.