Three PFTF fellows proudly show their certificate of completion


Professors for the Future is a competitive, professional development and leadership program for graduate students and postdoctoral scholars at UC Davis.

Each year we select 20 Ph.D. candidates and postdoctoral scholars to participate in this yearlong fellowship.

We encourage Ph.D. candidates and postdoctoral scholars of any discipline and background who have demonstrated a commitment to professionalism, integrity and academic service to apply.

Through PFTF you will:

  • Enhance your leadership and professional skills
  • Learn more about the university system
  • Gain insider’s knowledge of the nuances of academia as an institution
  • Develop and execute a project that benefits the graduate community at UC Davis

You must be currently enrolled as a Ph.D. candidate or employed as a postdoctoral scholar (title codes: 3252, 3253, 3254, 3255, 3256) at UC Davis to be eligible. (You must have advanced to PhD candidacy by the application deadline or you must be a current UC Davis postdoctoral scholar from the start of the program and throughout the fellowship year.)
You also must attend all required PFTF meetings, retreats, courses and reception.

(See the schedule of PFTF events)


PFTF Information Session

To apply for this competitive fellowship,
follow these steps:


1. Fill out this application form.

Be sure to include your:

  • Potential for leadership and academic service
  • Commitment to the academy and scholarly pursuits
  • Contributions to diversity, equity, and inclusion
  • Desire to contribute to graduate education and/or postdoctoral training by designing and completing a project beneficial to other students and scholar

2. Obtain a recommendation

Obtain a recommendation using this recommendation form. Recommendations must be submitted online by the person making the recommendation.

Important Note: If you are a graduate student, your recommendation must come from your major professor; if you are a postdoctoral scholar, the recommendation must come from your current principal investigator.

Application Timeline

  • January 2025: PFTF application process opens.
  • DEADLINE March 14, 2025 - PFTF application process closes.
  • Spring Quarter 2025: PFTF fellows selected. A new class of PFTF fellows is announced.

Contact Us

  • Office Phone: 530-754-1457
  • Email: