Please provide the name of your major professor if a graduate student, or your principal investigator if a postdoctoral scholar.  NOTE: The applicant must contact the recommender to request completion of the recommendation form.  PFTF does not contact recommenders.

Please Answer the Following Questions:

Project proposals are one part of the selection criteria for admission to the Professors for the Future (PFTF) program. The purpose of the project is to provide PFTF fellows with an opportunity to develop communication and leadership skills and to explore the university beyond the boundaries of their disciplinary areas of interest.

More broadly, the goal of these projects is to pilot new approaches to strengthening the path to the professoriate for students of diverse backgrounds. Projects will therefore address recruitment of graduate students from partner institutions, retention of graduate students and postdocs, and preparation of graduate students and postdocs to become faculty at diverse institutions.

PFTF fellows will work in project teams with other fellows and faculty from UCD and partner Hispanic-Serving Institutions, but are not expected to identify these teams in advance.  For the application, PFTF asks applicants to be venturesome and creative in suggesting project ideas, with the understanding that final projects will be further revised and developed as part of a team in the fellowship year.  If you have additional questions, please contact


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