
For each row of the assessment, mark one box indicating whether:

  • You have already developed the skill enough for your future career plans (right),
  • Expect to develop the skill as part of your program (center), or
  • Need to find additional resources to support developing the skill (left).

After completing the assessment, save your results and return to this page to identify the resources you need.  You should also plan to speak with an advisor in your department or group about your progress on the skills you've identified as "expect to develop."

I am already able to or have done this at a sufficient level for my career.
I expect to be trained to do this as a regular part of my program.
I need training outside of my program to do this.
I can present research orally as a lecture.
I need training outside of my program to do this.
I expect to be trained to do this as a regular part of my program.
I am already able to or have done this at a sufficient level for my career.
I can present research in a job talk format.
I need training outside of my program to do this.
I expect to be trained to do this as a regular part of my program.
I am already able to or have done this at a sufficient level for my career.
I can produce effective visual presentation materials, including slides and posters.
I need training outside of my program to do this.
I expect to be trained to do this as a regular part of my program.
I am already able to or have done this at a sufficient level for my career.
I can present an effective elevator pitch to another specialist.
I need training outside of my program to do this.
I expect to be trained to do this as a regular part of my program.
I am already able to or have done this at a sufficient level for my career.
I can present an effective elevator pitch to a non-specialist audience.
I need training outside of my program to do this.
I expect to be trained to do this as a regular part of my program.
I am already able to or have done this at a sufficient level for my career.
I can tailor presentations to be accessible to diverse audiences.
I need training outside of my program to do this.
I expect to be trained to do this as a regular part of my program.
I am already able to or have done this at a sufficient level for my career.
I can produce and present effective visualizations of data.
I need training outside of my program to do this.
I expect to be trained to do this as a regular part of my program.
I am already able to or have done this at a sufficient level for my career.
I can use social media to promote and communicate research.
I need training outside of my program to do this.
I expect to be trained to do this as a regular part of my program.
I am already able to or have done this at a sufficient level for my career.
I can deliver performances as appropriate to my field.
I need training outside of my program to do this.
I expect to be trained to do this as a regular part of my program.
I am already able to or have done this at a sufficient level for my career.

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