The Global Leadership Pathway is currently closed to new enrollees while we make improvements for the next version.  If you are already enrolled, you can continue to work on the pathway through Canvas.


Global Leadership Pathway v1.0

Offered in partnership with UC Davis Global Affairs and the Global Learning Hub, the Global Leadership Pathway v1.0  enables graduate students to examine global learning concepts related to culture, cultural differences, and identity. This pathway also provides students the ability to evaluate the complex global systems in which they work and how cultural values—their own and others—shape systems and student engagement with them.

This pathways is ideal for students and postdocs interested in building and documenting leadership skills with a focus on understanding and navigating differences across cultures and complex global systems.

This pathway takes approximately 13-15 hours to complete 6 modules in canvas and all of the associated work. 

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How to Enroll:

To enroll in the Global Leadership Pathway v1.0 please complete the form to the right, and you will be added to the canvas course to access and submit all materials.  Please allow 1-2 business days to be added; if you have any questions please contact

*Please note that this pathway is in ongoing development and may undergo further changes and versioning.  However, we will not make any changes that retroactively disqualify badge earners from earlier versions.

Pathway Progression Requirements:

This pathway consists of videos, readings, written activities and reflections, and practical experience in listening and questioning skills.

The purpose of this badge is threefold: a) to enable graduate students to examine global learning concepts related to culture, cultural differences, and identity; b) begin to develop practices of self-reflection to enhance ongoing cultural learning and cultural humility; c) and evaluate the complex global systems in which they work and how cultural values—their own and others—shape them and their engagement with them.

At the completion of this badge, participants will have…

  1. Contrasted culture and identity and assessed how they shape their own and others’ “meaning-making”.
  2. Utilized cultural dimensions to analyze their own cultural values, described how to use them to enable “culture-general” learning while avoiding stereotyping.
  3. Compared different ways of describing intercultural development, assessed how they, personally, make sense of cultural differences and commonalities and explored ways to continue their own intercultural growth.
  4. Analyzed the concept of complex global systems, considering the role of history, power, culture, and identity, and described elements of such a system based on your work, research, or career experiences.
  5. Practiced active listening by using key interpersonal interviewing skills as a means to deepen understanding of culture, cultural difference, and local contexts (understanding complex systems locally).
  6. Assessed their personal conflict style and evaluated how cultural values influence their style.
  7. Examined mediation as a common conflict resolution and proposed ways to enhance mediation by referring to the role of culture in defining conflict and the appropriate ways to resolve it.
  8. Developed and practiced approaches to critical reflection that will guide their ongoing intercultural learning.

To accomplish these objectives and obtain the badge, complete the following modules, doing the first four in order and, after those foundational modules are completed, the others in any order you prefer.

Global Leadership Modules


Participants will complete all modules and submissions via Canvas.


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  • Office Phone: 530-754-1457
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