Individual Development Planning Tools for STEM

Online Individual Development and Planning (IDP) Resources for STEM:



With over, 100,000 PhD scientist users, myIDP is the most widely used IDP online tool.  Suitable for STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) fields, the myIDP provides both a career exploration and goal setting tool.  Also featured, is a certificate of completion to provide verification to funding agencies.



ChemIDP is an Individual Development Plan tool designed specifically for graduate students and postdoctoral scholars in the chemical sciences. Through immersive, self-paced activities, users identify career goals, determine specific skills needed for success, and develop a plan to achieve their professional goals. ChemIDP helps graduate students and postdocs track their progress and provides tips and strategies for achieving goals.


Stanford Biosciences IDP forms 

Separate forms are available for years 1, 2, and 3-5 in a graduate program which may be useful for those in the biomedical sciences who prefer web-based forms.

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