Complete 1 of the following workshops:

  • Principles for Writing a STEM Research Article
  • Publishing the STEM Journal Article: Understanding the Process, Identifying Journals, and Submitting Your Work
  • Targeting and Publishing your Journal Article in the Humanities and Social Sciences: A Genre-Based Approach


In this assessment you will build upon the genre-based approach from the workshop and create a checklist summarizing the requirements that your drafted manuscript should adhere to. Since there is a lot of varied expectations by journal, start by locating a “Guide for Authors” from the journal you want to submit your article to. Based on that “Guide for Authors” (and recently published papers from that journal), create a Manuscript Preparation Checklist. This checklist will serve as a guide that you can refer back to as you develop your manuscript and prepare for journal submission. Some items that the checklist may include, but are not limited to:

  • Who is the audience of this journal? Is this the appropriate audience for your article?
  • What types of articles are accepted by this journal? Is the type of article you are writing accepted by this journal?
  • What contents are expected to be included in the title page?
  • What is the structure of the body of the paper? What sections are included and which are excluded based on the IMRAD format (Introduction, Materials & Methods, Results, Analysis, Discussion)? Based on recent publications, are there common themes in how each section is structured?
  • Is there a maximum word count for the abstract and/or body of the paper?
  • Is there a maximum number of figures/tables? What file types are accepted? What is the required resolution? Graphically what should the figures/tables look like? Are there specific styles of figures/tables that commonly appear in recent publications?
  • What bibliographic style is used?

Submit your checklist below.

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