2021-2022 Professors for the Future Fellows
To view previous Professors for the Future Fellows, please click here.
Meet the Fellows
- Chloe Brotherton
PhD Candidate, Linguistics
Project: "Virtual Community-Building for LGBTQ Graduate Students
- Rachael Coon
PhD Candidate, Animal Biology
Project: "Improving Science Communication through Improv Theater"
- Rose De Kock
PhD Candidate, Neuroscience
Project: "Empowerment and Education for Scholars Against Sexual Harassment in Academia"
- Mason del Rosario
PhD Candidate, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Project: "LaTeX 101: Making Publication-Quality Papers and Professional-Grade Presentations"
- Aisha Faruqi
PhD Candidate, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Project: "Addressing the Needs of BIPOC Graduate Students"
- Alyssa Griffin
Postdoctoral Scholar, Earth and Planetary Sciences
Project: "Now Hiring: Resources and Support for STEM PhDs Seeking Competitive Academic Positions"
- Tyler Kline
PhD Candidate, Linguistics
Project: "We Are First: Continuing Resource-Building for First-Generation Students of All Experiences, Backgrounds, and Aspirations"
- Alba Ledesma
Postdoctoral Scholar, Animal Science
Project: "Inspiring Womxn and Femmes in STEM Symposium"
- Kaisen Lin
Postdoctoral Scholar, Air Quality Research Center
Project: "Serve as a Peer-Reviewer for Scientific Journals"
- Gwyneth Manser
PhD Candidate, Geography
Project: "Developing a Community-Engaged and Public Scholarship Toolkit for Graduate Students"
- Deniss Martinez
PhD Candidate, Ecology
Project: "UndocuGrad Student Toolkit"
- M. A. Miller
PhD Candidate, English
Project: "How to do Mutual Aid: Best Practices for Graduate Students"
- Danielle Stevens
PhD Candidate, Integrative Genetics and Genomics
Project: "Simple Steps to Turn Sketches into Digital Communication"
- Eric Tymstra
PhD Candidate, Ecology
Project: "GRASP: Graduate Resources, Accountability and Structure Partnerships"
- Nathan Yoshino
PhD Candidate, Chemistry
Project: "Python Bootcamp for Incoming Graduate Students"
For more information about Professors for the Future, and to view current and previous cohorts, visit our the Professors for the Future pages.