Professionalism and Ethics  Green compass

The Office of Research (OR) serves as the primary campus office for matters related to research, including review and acceptance of extramural research awards, furthering research relationships with government and industry, encouraging and assisting faculty in developing research and scholarly studies, oversight of intramural research support, functional responsibility for organized research units and projects, management of certain research-related programs, instrumentation and facilities Management of several UC Natural Reserve sites Review and approval of the use of human subjects and conflict of interest disclosures Coordination of patenting and licensing of campus intellectual property

DataLab Workshops

The DataLab offers workshops (short seminars, half to full day, or multiple day modules) that complement the material taught in regular courses, provide hands-on applications, and present new topics and under development techniques. Workshop topics depend on the needs of our data science community and available expertise. All members of the UC Davis community (students, postdocs, faculty, staff) are welcome to register.

IRB Outreach and Training

The Outreach and Training program within UCD’s IRB Administration provides training in the critical area of the protection of human research participants.  Learn more about the IRB requirements.

Library Resources

The Library offers a number of workshops to develop your research skills.  Click here for a list of library services.

Statistical Consulting 

Services include providing advice to individual researchers in preparing statistics-related sections of proposals for extramural funding, assisting researchers on the design of prospective experiments or studies, conducting or giving advice concerning statistical data analysis, and planning or executing statistically motivated computation. Please visit the Stat Lab website through the Department of Statistics to find out more information on their resources and consultations: UC Davis Stat Lab.

Additional Handouts:
Success and Socialization | Writing and Publishing | Presentation Skills | Teaching and Mentoring
Leadership and Management | Professionalism and Ethics | Career Management | Wellness and Life Balance
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  • Office Phone: 530-754-1457
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