Success and Socialization - Resources 
Success in graduate school or a postdoctoral experience requires taking a proactive role in your professional development. Along with the assistance of your mentors, you will enhance and acquire the knowledge and skills needed to both master your field of study and learn its norms (socialization).
Individual Development Planning Tools
The following online planning tools are available free of charge. Each has some disciplinary focus, all may be useful either for the planning tools or career exploration assessments:
ImaginePhD - Career Exploration and Planning Tool for the Humanities and Social Sciences
myIDP - biomedical and most STEM disciplines
ChemIDP - chemical sciences
Professional Development Specialist
GradPathways Director, Daniel Moglen, develops and coordinates professional workshops, classes, and activities to help ensure the success of graduate students and postdoctoral scholars. She is also available to consult with graduate students and postdoctoral scholars seeking information about professional development opportunities and provide assistance in creating Individual Development Plans.
Graduate Diversity Officers
Diversity Officer, Josephine Moreno, offers workshops, provide academic support, are committed to diverse graduate student success, and overall contribute to a welcoming and supportive campus culture for a diverse graduate student population.
Success Coaches
Staff and graduate student success coaches offer 30-minute appointments in South Hall, supporting the design, pursuit, and achievement of academic, personal, and professional goals. Your coach will listen and ask questions to help you reflect on your goals, plan out your actions, and monitor your progress. Sessions with your coach can be ongoing—bi-weekly or monthly.
Continued Meetings With Your Major Professor or Principal Investigator
As you advance in your program of study or postdoctoral training, your mentors will continue to meet with you individually to help you further develop and hone your research skills, set professional development and career goals, and map out a timeline for completion of the graduate degree or postdoctoral training experience. Meetings with your faculty mentor are part of a partnership in which both parties collaborate for a successful outcome. Open and regular communication is essential to this process.
Additional Handouts:
Success and Socialization | Writing and Publishing | Presentation Skills | Teaching and Mentoring
Leadership and Management | Professionalism and Ethics | Career Management | Wellness and Life Balance
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