Teaching and Mentoring 
GradPathways partners with the Center for Educational Effectiveness to provide teacher training. GradPathways also offers engaging mentoring workshops for both mentees who would like to get the most out of mentorship and those who wish to learn how to mentor. The CEE's mission as the Center for Educational Effectiveness (CEE), a unit of the Office of Undergraduate Education, is to promote and support effective learning for all UCD students
Courses and Programs
Self-Paced Modules: Writing a Teaching Statement and Diversity Statement for the Academic Job Market
Most academic job applications require a teaching statement (also called a Statement of Teaching Philosophy), and many also require a diversity statement. To support graduate students and postdoctoral scholars who are preparing for the academic job market, CEE offers self-paced modules which provide an overview of what a teaching statement and diversity statement entail, strategies that candidates can use to write compelling statements, and criteria that can be used to assess these documents.
Seminar on College Teaching
The Seminar on College Teaching is an interactive course designed to help graduate students and postdoctoral scholars develop essential skills for effective instruction in college-level courses. If you plan to teach undergraduates in your career, this course provides you with core skills based on foundational and emerging research-based practices on how students learn. Students engage with classmates in thought-provoking discussions and activities about the implementation of pedagogical techniques in a university classroom setting. For more information, visit: https://cee.ucdavis.edu/courses. For a CRN or to ask questions, e-mail Patricia Turner at pturner@ucdavis.edu.
Individualized Advising
Classroom Observations
Classroom observations can help you see your classroom from a new perspective and give you ideas about how to enhance learning for your students. A CEE Specialist will observe your teaching and collect observational data about aspects of your teaching that will be most useful in helping you increase your teaching effectiveness. PDF Resource Guide.
Mid-Quarter Classroom Interview
Mid-Quarter Inquiries (MQIs) provide you with formative feedback that you can use to modify a course you are currently teaching before the end of the term. MQIs are available to full- and part-time faculty, Teaching Assistants, graduate student Associate Instructors (AIs), and Postdoctoral Scholars. PDF Resource Guide Here.
Video Recording with Playback Consultation
A video recording consultation can help you analyze your teaching and reflect on your students’ learning experience. For example, analysis of a video recording can provide insights into how you communicate with students, how you use space on the board and in the classroom, and how you help students engage with material. Meet with an experienced CEE consultant to deconstruct a recording of a class session as data into effective teaching, rather than viewing it as a performance, making process much less intimidating, and more useful, for instructors. Video consultations are currently only available to graduate students and postdoctoral scholars. Our TAC Fellows’ collegial and helpful consultation style make the process easy and useful. PDF Resource Guide Here.
Statement of Teaching Philosophy Consultation
Articulating your statement of teaching philosophy is useful to guide your teaching practice, to communicate how you teach, and to prepare for the academic job market. Graduate students and Postdoctoral Scholars can work with a TAC Fellow to develop or refine their written Statement of Teaching Philosophy as a key part of career development. PDF Resource Guide Here.
Additional Quarterly Guides:
Success and Socialization | Writing and Publishing | Presentation Skills | Teaching and Mentoring
Leadership and Management | Professionalism and Ethics | Career Management | Wellness and Life Balance
URL for this page: https://gradpathways.ucdavis.edu/teaching-and-mentoring